Application Deadline for Canada Summer Jobs Extended Until February 3, 2017

Posted by Ginny Henry | January 20, 2017 | 2017, Canada Summer Jobs, employers, funding programs, hire a student, students
Looking for funding to hire summer staff?  The application period is now open for the Canada Summer Jobs Program and the deadline for eligible employers to apply has been extended to Friday, February 3, 2017.

The program provides funding to help employers create summer job opportunities for full-time students between the ages of 15 to 30 and who are returning to school in the next school year. 

Those eligible to apply for funding are not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. 

Applications are available at Service Canada offices or available online on the Government of Canada website.  An overview of the program, eligibility requirements and the assessment process can also be found on this site.

Visit Canada Summer Jobs Overview.

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