Innisfil Business to Appear on Dragon's Den on January 29th

Innisfil entrepreneurs Rick Nadeau and Tracy Moore of Everything Maple & More will be appearing on the Wednesday, January 29th episode of CBC’s Dragon’s Den starting at 8 p.m.

“We are overwhelmed by the support given to us by everyone in the area from our local Council, media, local farmers’ market visitors and our very loyal customers,” said Tracy Moore, Founder of Everything Maple & More.  “We are excited to share this exciting news with everyone.”
“We have dreams of expanding our business, and establishing a manufacturing facility and bistro in Innisfil,” said Rick Nadeau of Everything Maple & More.  “We are more than ready to move to the next level in business and wanted the support of the Dragons to make this happen”
Since taping in late 2013, Moore and Nadeau have not had the opportunity to announce if they were successful in securing a deal with one of the Dragons.  But on Wednesday, January 29th, the word will be out.

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