Arts & Culture Has Significant Impact on Ontario Tourism

Posted by Alex Hogan | January 23, 2013 | arts and culture, economic impact, Ontario Arts Council
Ontario Arts and Culture Tourism Profile, the report prepared for OAC by Research Resolutions & Consulting Ltd., provides a comprehensive profile of Ontario’s arts and culture tourists.

“Cultural tourism is a powerful force that is transforming global travel and trends,” said Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “Our diverse arts, culture and heritage has helped us attract visitors from within our borders and beyond to explore and experience our exciting province.  Our government is committed to evolving our tourism strategy to align with our cultural assets – for example, harnessing live music experiences that will drive our economy and firmly place Ontario on the international map as a premier cultural travel destination.”

Key findings include that 22% of all Ontario's overnight visitors participated in arts and culture activities during their trips in 2010, the average Ontario arts and culture tourist spends twice as much per trip as does a typical tourist - $667 per trip versus $374, and they also stay longer (42% longer) than the typical tourist.

For more key report findings and information visit the Ontario Arts Council.

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