Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Webinar

Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Webinar
If you missed the webinar hosted by Minister Lisa MacLeod on resources available for small businesses, nonprofits and not-for-profits, you can watch the video on YouTube.

Other relevant information and links from the webinar:

Businesses can apply for the small business grant, PPE support and property tax and energy bill relief here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/businesses-get-help-covid-19-costs
Support for not for profits, tourism and culture operators and sports organizations will be able to access government support of an additional $100 Million over the next two years imminently through the Community Building Fund. The Ontario Trillium Fund support can be found here: www.otf.ca
The government is investing an additional $25 Million to support core cultural institutions and artists with emergency funding. The Ontario Arts Council can be found here: https://www.arts.on.ca/
Both Ontario Trillium Foundation and Ontario Arts Council supports will be opened very shortly. 
For information on the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, visit the website.

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