Ontario Trails Council Seeking Input Through Survey

Posted by Ginny Henry | February 23, 2017 | 2017, economic impact, Ontario, Ontario Trails Council, OTC, province, survey, tourism, trails, Value of Trails
In 2015, the Ontario Trails Council (OTC) secured 101 respondents to its "The Value of Trails - Measuring the Economic Impact of Trails Survey."  So far, they have added 12 more to the 2017 updates. 

The OTC is presenting to the Canadian Parks and Recreation Conference onMarch 10, and to Parks and Recreation Ontario March 28. On both occasions they are speaking to trails tourism and the economic impact of trails.

There are many metrics to measure in determining the economic impact of trails, and tourism in just one factor. In order to accurately represent a closer economic impact of trails, the OTC is requesting your input to its Value of Trails 2017 survey.

With your help, the OTC can make an even stronger case for trails and the supports required to provide a top notch experience at each of the trail destinations.

To access the survey by March 1, 2017, click here.

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