BruceGreySimcoe Operator Listings - What's New!

BruceGreySimcoe Operator Listings - What's New!
If you haven’t logged into your Operator Profile for a while on, you’ll find some new features when you do!  In addition to the standard description, contact info, location, photo and website link, these features have been added:
  • “Book Now” button – add a link to your online reservation page directly from your operator listing
  • Add both your logo and an image
  • Add a link to a YouTube video and your social media channels
  • Packages & Promotions and Tourism Events now appear with your listing (note:  these must be added to those pages before appearing here)

Want to see how these new features work and look?  Check out these examples currently on our site:  
Visit the Operator Login page to access your profile or to register.  Problems logging in or registering?  Contact Ginny Henry at 

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