Are You Missing Out on a Free Marketing Opportunity?

Are You Missing Out on a Free Marketing Opportunity?
In the first two weeks after the early winter campaign kicked off in mid-November, the Promotions/Tax Credit page became the #1 visited page on, with traffic (page views) increasing over 3000%* over the previous two months.

In addition, links out to partner websites listed on this page increased 400%* over the same time period.

Those numbers have remained steady in the following weeks, driving traffic to the websites of those tourism operators listed on the page.

Haven’t listed your promotion yet? Stop missing out on this FREE opportunity to share your message!

Add your promotion by logging into your operator profile on Not registered yet? Visit the Operator Registration page to get started.

If you need help creating a profile or adding your offer, email

*Source: Google Analytics

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

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