Owen Sound Launches Millennipreneurs Recruitment Campaign

Owen Sound Launches Millennipreneurs Recruitment Campaign
Owen Sound, Ontario – Monday, June 12, 2017 – The City of Owen Sound is launching a new recruitment program to attract “Millennipreneurs” – Millennials who have an entrepreneurial spirit. 

The campaign will leverage local ambassadors and community champions as hosts, offering qualified candidates the chance to “test drive” the city for a weekend. 

The goal is to create a campaign that stands out and reaches a very targeted audience – young entrepreneurs looking to build a business in a community that is affordable, authentic and engaging, with cultural assets and outstanding outdoor recreation. 

It’s a very competitive field, with numerous communities clamoring to attract people from the GTA and outlying areas who have been priced out of the housing market. The Owen Sound campaign is the only one that’s matching prospective candidates with local hosts and framing challenges as opportunities. 

“We wanted to do something different,” said City Manager Wayne Ritchie. “This is certainly a new approach for us, but one that we are excited to embark on.” 

The campaign, entitled "Are You Most", is set to run from August to October 2017, and measurables will include website and social media traffic, the number of ambassadors, applicants, and people test driving the program, plus conversions to actual relocation. Once built, the recruitment structure can be used in consecutive years. 

The City has retained BC Hughes Inc, Tourism Development, Management and Marketing, to assist with the program. “The goal for this campaign is to attract determined, strong people who will bring value to the Owen Sound community,” says Chris Hughes of BC Hughes. 

For more information, please contact Paulette Peirol, Tourism Marketing Co-ordinator, at 519-376-4440 ext. 1245 or email ppeirol@owensound.ca 

The temporary Owen Sound City Hall location is 945 3rd Avenue East, Suite 230 (Second floor), Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 2K8. The Owen Sound Visitor Centre is located at 1155 1st Ave. West. 

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