Ontario150 Capital Granting Programs Information Sessions

Ontario150 Capital Granting Programs Information Sessions
FEO is pleased to partner with the MTCS and the Ontario Trillium Foundation in hosting this informative teleconference call.

2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Canada and the Province of Ontario. This milestone in Ontario’s history provides a unique opportunity to strengthen our communities and celebrate the people, places and events that make Ontario a global leader in diversity, creativity, innovation, accessibility and inclusion.

The Government of Ontario is proud to support communities across the province in leveraging the 150th anniversary to achieve community priorities.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport are hosting an information session to help you prepare applications for the Ontario150 Grant Programs.

Teleconference Information Sessions:

The presentation will cover the following Ontario150 granting programs:
Ontario150 Community Capital Program (OTF). Prepare for the session by reviewing program information for these two programs HERE.
  • Thursday, August 4, 2016:  4:30 PM - 6:30 PM,   OR
  • Friday, August 12, 2016:  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Registration is required to participate. Please RSVP for either Session:  Email Sonja.Erstic@Ontario.ca or call 519-650-5482.


Please contact Sonja Erstic Sonja.erstic@ontario.ca  or Omar Omar oomar@otf.cahttp://www.grants.gov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/GrantsHome/

If you know of a neighbouring festival who would benefit from participating in this teleconference information session, please pass this communication along.

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