Orillia's Festival & Event Partnership Program Now Online

Festivals and events seeking funding from the City of Orillia for 2015 can now access application forms online for the new Festival & Event Partnership Program.  

The new application process sets aside funds for festivals and events.  Forms can be filled out electronically as a convenience to applicants.  Fields have also been added in the general application to capture more information about the individual attractions.

The new program is based on a three-tiered funding model. Tier 1 funding is open to all new applicants and local festivals and events with up to 10,000 attendees. Tier 2 is meant for two-day festivals that attract 10,000 to 20,000 people. Tier 3 funding is for large-scale, multi-day events that attract more than 20,000 people. Under the new funding policy, well established, large-scale festivals and events with a proven track record can also apply for multi-year funding.  Grant amounts vary by tier.  

Currently, the City of Orillia provides approximately $30,000 annually to festivals and events through grants and subsidies. The amount of funding available to each festival under the new funding model will be based on their ability to meet the minimum criteria of the new tier system.

For more information on the new policy or to access the application forms visit www.orillia.ca/grants.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2014.

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