Putting the “Social” in Social Media

A recent post on the BruceGreySimcoe Facebook page exemplifies the power of social media.

It started as a post like any other, with a link to our Festivals & Events microsite featuring an Elvis impersonator from the Collingwood Elvis Festival.  The post clearly struck a cord with our FB users sparking continuous comments since it went up in mid-July, and they’re still coming.  The photo has been shared 109 times, has over 500 likes and people “talking about” it, and sparked numerous comments from visitors to the page.  It has also reached over 334,000 people through promoted posts. 
This post, which is seemingly no different than most others on our page, illustrates the unique power of social media and how there’s often no predicting what will go viral. It has achieved what social media is supposed to do, i.e., generate conversation by connecting with consumers in a very personal way and making us “real”.  It creates a dynamic page that isn’t just about us promoting us – it’s drawing the consumer into dialogue and building relationships, just as if they were standing across the counter from us at an info centre or store.
As importantly, the post has driven more traffic to our FB page and to your connected pages, increased our likes, exposed more consumers to your posts, and increased awareness of the region.   In addition, these users’ posts create new, authentic and entirely free content which helps optimize searchability (SEO).
Clearly, Elvis lives. Care to join the conversation?  View the “Elvis post” and many others on the BruceGreySimcoe Facebook page.

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