Ontario Government Launches Experience 2023 Program

Ontario Government Launches Experience 2023 Program
Source: Tourism Industry Association of Ontario newsletter

Announced today, the Ontario government is launching the Experience Ontario 2023 program for festivals and events taking place between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.

This year, the government is investing $19.5 million in one-time funding through the Experience Ontario 2023 program to provide support to in-person festivals and events with a tourism economic impact to motivate visitors to rediscover Ontario, reconnect people with local experiences, and increase tourism spending. Applications will be measured against program criteria and, as such, there is no guarantee of funding.

Eligible organizations must:
  • Be Ontario-based entities in existence since January 1, 2022 or before, including those that are established by or under legislation; are federally or provincially incorporated; or are band councils as defined under the Indian Act
  • Not be in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario 5
  • Have a Canadian bank account in the legal name of the applicant at a Canadian financial institution conducting business in Ontario

Eligible Festivals or Events Festivals or events must meet all the following eligibility requirements:
  • Take place between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, over a minimum of two consecutive days*
  • Occur in the province of Ontario
  • Be open to the public at large without membership in a club or group
  • Be promoted to tourists (see Definition)
  • Follow all municipal and provincial guidelines, including health and safety guidelines.

*One-day festivals or events held on Canada Day are eligible for funding.

Applicants are eligible to apply for a grant of up to 50% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $125,000.

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will only consider one application per organization to the Experience Ontario 2023 program or the Marquee Event Fund 2023.

For information on the program, please see the  Experience Ontario Application Guide.

To apply, please see here.

Have Questions? Need Help?
Regional Advisor for RTO7: 
Christine Dodd, 705-739-6695, Christine.Dodd@ontario.ca

The application period is now open – applications will be accepted until April 28, 2023, at 5PM (EDT).

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