Call for Nominations and Applications For RTO7 Board of Directors

Call for Nominations and Applications For RTO7 Board of Directors
Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) seeks nominations and applications to fill three vacancies on its Board of Directors.  These vacancies are the result of two Directors completing their four-term commitment to the RTO7 Board of Directors and one Director resigning from the Board of Directors following a career change.

Three persons from Bruce, Grey or Simcoe Counties who bring senior level skills in the areas of tourism, strategy, organizational leadership, risk, financial literacy or other relevant skills, along with the ability to give strategic oversight to RTO7.  RTO7 will respect its commitment to inclusivity in the recruitment process of Directors.  All are welcome to apply.  As RTO7 is a regional organization, a board composition that is balanced regionally is preferred but not required. With this in mind, preference to applicants from Bruce and Grey counties will be given however this will not be a deciding factor in the selection of candidates.

Ideal candidates will possess experience and current understanding of strategies and tactics in any or all of the following desired skill sets relevant to tourism:
  • Research
  • Media Relations
  • Communications
  • Accounting/Finance
  • ESG
  • Marketing/Public Relations

RTO7’s industry-­led, volunteer board is responsible for providing direction to the organization in fulfillment of the organization’s mission, which is “to work collaboratively with tourism partners and stakeholders to build, sustain and grow visitation, investment and visitor spending.

For information about:

• Regional Tourism Organization 7:
• Ontario’s tourism regions:

Image is of a map of Regional Tourism Organization 7, showing the locations of Bruce, Grey and Simcoe Counties. Land is orange, surrounded by blue water of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe.

RTO7’s vision is “to establish BruceGreySimcoe as Ontario’s four-­‐season destination of choice”.

For information about:
BruceGreySimcoe, visit

Important Information
These are volunteer positions. Directors are expected to have relevant board and/or management experience, leadership, skills and qualifications that would recommend them as directors of a not-for-‐profit corporation.
Interested individuals should: review the policy information provided (Section 1) following; and complete the application form Google Form (applications are now closed) and submit along with a current C.V. (resume). All information is confidential.
The deadline for applications was 12:00 noon, May 15, 2023.
Decisions are expected on or before June 12, 2023. All applicants are thanked for their interest and will be contacted.
For more information, contact:

Section 1

RTO7 Policies

Board Composition

The 7 -­ 11 member industry-­led, volunteer board of directors is structured to provide for a board composition that is fully engaged, regionally predisposed and mission focused. Specifically, the board will be comprised of:
  • Up to two members from organizations with explicit tourism mandates from each of Bruce, Grey and Simcoe Counties; for a total MAXIMUM of six members
  • Up to five members who bring senior level skills in the areas of tourism, strategy, organizational leadership, risk, financial literacy or other relevant skills with the ability to give strategic oversight of RTO7 for a MAXIMUM of five members

The term of office for the current positions being recruited for expires June 2025 (one position) and June 2026 (two positions) at the Annual Meeting. Directors who wish to extend their service to the board must be re-­elected to the board for a three-year term by a majority vote of the sitting Board of Directors.  Exception to the three-year term will occur when a current sitting director resigns from the board during their term in which case the new director will fill the vacancy in term length that was created by the resigning director.


  • Directors serve in a voluntary capacity and must be prepared to make a commitment of active service involving monthly half to full-day board and other meetings
  • Directors are expected to have relevant board and/or management experience, leadership, skills and qualifications that would recommend them as directors of a non-profit corporation
  • The term of office for directors is three years unless filling the term of a resigning director or other vacancy.

Responsibilities of Directors

  • Support the objectives and interests of RTO7, and conform with its by-laws, values and policies
  • Understand and actively participate in defining and directing the mission and objectives of RTO7, and support the achievement of its goals
  • Be informed of the legislative and other articles under which RTO7 exists and its by-laws, mandate, and policies
  • Exercise in the performance of their duties the degree of care, diligence and skill required of a director pursuant to the by-laws under which RTO7 is incorporated
  • Adhere to established standards of conduct and ethics
  • Attend and actively participate in meetings and discussions by providing candid and constructive advice and input
  • Be independent and impartial, participate without considerations of vested interests or personal gain, andexercise duties without reference to self-interest, outside pressure, expectation of reward, or fear of criticism
  • Know and respect the roles of the board, volunteers, staff and vendors consistent with the principles of board governance
  • Serve on working groups as required
  • Maintain solidarity with fellow directors in support of decisions made by the board, and respect the confidentiality of board discussions and deliberations
  • Be prepared for meetings and actively engaged during the course of the meeting
  • Contribute to the decision-making process by bringing needed skills, knowledge and experience to bear on issues that serve to move the organization forward in fulfilling its mandate
  • Be in compliance with Board of Directors Code of Conduct
  • Encourage opportunities for collaboration and determine if they meet the mandate, vision, mission, strategic and business plan
  • Understand and actively participate in the development and monitoring of the Strategy, Annual Business Plan and the Transfer Payment Agreement.
  • Assist in identifying risks and enacting appropriate risk mitigation strategies

RTO7 Core Values

  • Collaborative
  • Transparent
  • Trustworthy
  • Innovative
  • Friendly and welcoming
  • Sustainable practices
  • Committed to inclusivity
Our core values reflect the foundation and character of RTO7 as an organization. We will abide by these values in determining the strategies we employ and how we govern, lead, operate and make decisions.


Collaboration means working together toward common goals. We will foster a culture of collaboration and cooperation by being easy to work with, by being inclusive, and by listening and by respecting other viewpoints. There is no place for zero-­sum solutions or the politics of confrontation, hierarchy, or exclusion in how we collaborate (see Standards of Conduct, below).


Transparency is achieved through the full, accurate and timely disclosure of information. As an independent, publicly funded corporation we will communicate openly and proactively to ensure accountability to our stakeholders and government. We will neither pursue nor tolerate hidden agendas. Our decision-­making processes – including but not limited to procurement – will reflect consistent, transparent and objective criteria.


As an organization that has embraced the values of collaboration and transparency, in our interactions with stakeholders, suppliers and others we will be ethically unyielding and honest. We will inspire trust by saying what we mean, matching our behaviours to our words, and taking responsibility for our actions.


Valuing innovation means we strive to be on the leading edge. Creativity, experimentation and a willingness to ‘push the envelope’ characterize our approach to opportunities and challenges alike. Although we do not fear failure – rather, we embrace it as a means to continuously improve – we will always mitigate risks by making intelligent and disciplined decisions.

Friendly and welcoming

As a tourism organization we are dedicated to the essential values of hospitality that make the communities and operators of BruceGreySimcoe authentically welcoming to visitors and guests.

Sustainable practices

As a tourism organization we are dedicated to the development and promotion of the region as a sustainable destination.  The organization will establish collaborative partnerships and where none exist lead the tourism industry in the journey towards being an Inclusive and Sustainable Destination for visitors, stakeholders and the tourism labour force.

Committed to inclusivity

RTO7 is committed to foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organizational environment that’s free of discrimination and systemic barriers. RTO7 is also committed to fulfil its duty to accommodate persons and/or groups who request accommodations based on the prohibited grounds in the OHRC, AODA and any other related legislation in a manner that respects their dignity, and that supports them to achieve their full potential.

Standards of Conduct

Consistent with our values, when collaborating with organizations and individuals we will expect them to:
  • Participate in good faith with the intention of producing balanced and broadly accepted results, and recognize the value and contributions of other organizations and individuals
  • Focus on issues instead of positions and/or personal feelings, and show respect for other organizations and individuals by demonstrating empathy and active listening

Code of Ethics

Consistent with our values, we have adopted the following code of ethics. At all times directors, and staff as applicable, will:
  • Represent the interests of all stakeholders, and not those of a particular geographic, sector or interest group
  • Act as “trustees” of BruceGreySimcoe tourism industry interests, and endeavour to ensure that RTO7 is always operating in accordance with organizational values
  • Ensure that RTO7 is always functioning and in the best interests of stakeholders and operators by being well managed, financially secure, and successfully growing
  • Consider issues from broad interests and alternative points of view, and listen carefully to the opinions and input of all stakeholders
  • Inform issues by speaking from personal perspective (i.e., “… my own organization’s / my own thinking is…”)
  • Refrain from using the organization for personal advantage, or for the interests of any groups or individuals, and adhere to organizational policies regarding conflicts of interest and confidentiality
  • Address issues through appropriate board channels, and refrain from lobbying others outside of these channels that might have the effect of creating factions and/or limiting free and open discussion
  • Recognize that the role of the board of directors is to ensure that RTO7 is well managed, and that it is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and staff to manage the organization

Conflict of Interest

All individuals will avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest and refrain from deriving, directly or indirectly, any personal gain or profit by virtue of their position.

A conflict of interest refers to situations where personal, occupational, and/or financial considerations may affect, or appear to affect, an individual’s objectivity, judgment or ability to act in the best interests of RTO7. A conflict of interest includes a situation in which a person associated with an initiative or any member of his or her family is able to benefit financially from his or her involvement in the initiative.

By virtue of the nature of RTO7 as an industry-­led organization it is recognized that individuals will often be personally engaged in tourism industry commerce. Both prior to and during their service all individuals shall openly disclose a potential, real or perceived conflict of interest as soon as the issue arises.

Should an instance arise where an individual believes s/he may be or appear to be in a conflict of interest, the matter should be immediately disclosed to the Chair/President (or, in the case of the Chair/President, to the Board of Directors) for discussion. If the board deems necessary it will, consistent with the requirements set out by the Ministry (see below), disclose to the Province without delay any situation that may be reasonably interpreted as either an actual or potential conflict of interest.

In conducting procurement RTO7 will ensure that prospective vendors declare all conflicts of interest, or any situation that may be reasonably perceived as a conflict of interest. RTO7 will reserve the right to disqualify from consideration proposals and/or terminate contractual and employment agreements that in RTO7’s opinion demonstrate a conflict of interest or breach of this policy.


(as per the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport/RTO7 Transfer Payment Agreement April 1, 2023.)

A6.1 Conflict of Interest Includes.  For the purposes of Article A6.0, a conflict of interest includes any circumstances where:

(a) the Recipient; or

(b) any person who has the capacity to influence the Recipient’s decisions, has outside commitments, relationships, or financial interests that could, or could be seen by a reasonable person to, interfere with the Recipient’s objective, unbiased, and impartial judgment relating to the Project, the use of the Funds, or both.

A6.2 No Conflict of Interest.  The Recipient will carry out the Project and use the Funds without an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest unless:

(a) the Recipient:
(i) provides Notice to the Province disclosing the details of the actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest; and
(ii) requests the consent of the Province to carry out the Project with an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest;

(b) the Province provides its consent to the Recipient carrying out the Project with an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest; and

(c) the Recipient complies with any terms and conditions the Province may prescribe in its consent.

How to Apply

Interested individuals should complete the Google Form application (applications are now closed) and submit along with a current C.V. (resume). All information provided is confidential.

For further information please contact Bill Sullivan at

Deadline for submission was May 15, 2023 (12:00 noon ET)

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the RTO7 Board of Directors.
All applicants are thanked for their interest and all applicants will be contacted.

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