Community Building Fund Deadline Extended to May 5, 2021

Community Building Fund Deadline Extended to May 5, 2021
NOTE: For assistance with this program, please contact the Ontario Trillium Foundation directly to book a coaching session. 

This information is being shared on behalf of the Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Government of Ontario’s Community Building Fund is investing $105 million to support community arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport and recreation organizations, that are experiencing significant financial pressures due to the pandemic. These organizations support community engagement, tourism and recreation through a variety of attractions, experiences, programs, events and activities. The Community Building Fund is offering two streams – Operating and Capital. Learn more about the Community Building Fund. 

The Community Building Fund – Operating stream provides support for non-profits and Indigenous communities in the community arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport and recreation sectors to help sustain their operations and create new attractions, experiences and events.

Applications will be accepted until May 5, 2021.

If your organization and grant request are not eligible for funding through the Community Building Fund - Operating stream, you can explore additional funding opportunities offered by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and Grants Ontario.


Visit the Support page on the Ontario Trillium Foundation's website.

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