TIAO Survey 3.0, Closing Date Monday, April 6, 2020 at 8 am

Purpose of the Data Collection:
To monitor the progression of COVID-19 on the Ontario’s tourism industry.  The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) and Regional Tourism Organizations are working together to help provide up-to-date information to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Industries. We seek your assistance in providing this high level reporting on an ongoing basis so that we can advocate on your behalf with all levels of government.

Confidentiality Protocol: 
The data collected here will be used to provide ongoing updates to the provincial government, in particular the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Industries. The data collected will NOT include identifying information, such as company name. We require information about your sector and region in the province, in order to target specific forms of support from the province.

The data collected here will also be used to inform other levels of government, and to provide the media with information on the scale and scope of the impact on the industry.
Click on this link to complete the survey:  TIAO SURVEY 3.0
NOTE: Choose “Region 7:  Bruce Peninsula, Southern Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe” in response to Question #2 – Which region of Ontario do you operate in?

Survey Closes April 6, 2020 at 8:00 am

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