Be a BruceGreySimcoe Ambassador with New Facebook Campaign

Build your knowledge base and spread the word about BruceGreySimcoe with our upcoming Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Facebook campaign, which kicks off on May 1, 2017.

As the busy summer season approaches, many of us will host visiting friends and relatives. When those visitors come to play in our backyard, we’re excited to share. We love where we live and we have much to be proud of! We want to tour our friends and relatives around and show them the best of the best. Whether you plan to take them on an epic hike, for a sunset paddle, out for a delicious meal, to a live concert in a unique location, or zooming down a zipline that will leave them screaming from beginning to end, the goal is to impress them and have fun.

But how much do we really know about all this diverse region has to offer? If you’re a Simcoe County business owner, do you know about Southampton’s best eatery? If you’re a Bruce resident, do you know where to take a moonlight paddle in Simcoe County? If you’re a Grey resident, do you know where to take visitors for a quiet Bruce adventure?

Beginning on May 1, we’ll test your knowledge and educate you—our most important ambassadors—so that you’ll be ready with suggestions, knowledge and pride when your VFR guests arrive.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, we’ll post a photo from a different BruceGreySimcoe location. Make your guess in the comments, spur on the conversation and share the posts with your social network. Forty-eight hours later we’ll post the answer, along with links and tags to more information about these local attractions.

Play along, learn more about our region and be a BruceGreySimcoe Ambassador. Feel free to use the posts on your own page verbatim or run a simple (and free) photo contest of your own. Use the suggested hashtags and tags below to help spread the word!

Head on over to BruceGreySimcoe on Facebook and like our page today then watch for our VFR posts. If we’ve worked with you or photographed you in the past, you may find your business in the posts. We’ll be sure to tag you in our answers to help direct traffic your way.

For more information, contact Allison Davies, Communication Assistant, at



Partners to tag in Facebook posts:


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