Your Participation is Requested in TIAO's Ontario Labour Study Survey

The following request is from Beth Potter, President & CEO, of TAIO.

Dear Colleagues,

This past fall, TIAC released a Labour Shortage Study in partnership with Banff & Lake Louise. This study provided a snapshot of the extent of labour shortages in the region’s tourism sector, as well as valuable insights for future research.

As Ontario is also experiencing labour shortages in the tourism sector, TIAO has partnered with TIAC to conduct the same study in our province. Due to the size and scope of our industry, the Ontario study will be significantly larger, and will require the assistance of TIAO members to ensure there are enough respondents so as to yield relevant results.

The survey results will support evidence of the labour shortage in Ontario.

The Study will be conducted in three parts.
The first part is an online survey of businesses, comprised of 16 easy-to-answer questions. The second part is a data collection exercise on staffing statistics for the month of July 2016. Similar to the Banff & Lake Louise study, the focus on July provides a good snapshot of the high season. A second link will be forwarded in July for completion. The third part is a data collection exercise on forecasted staffing requirements for the fall of 2016. This section will be completed at the same time as the July data collection.

For all parts of the study, we are hoping to get a good cross section of sectors and geographic locations, with a target response rate of 3-5% of tourism businesses.

How you can help.

Please participate in both parts of the survey – in April and in July.
If you are a Sector Association, DMO or RTO, please forward the survey link to your members and encourage participation.

Online survey begins today and ends April 29.
Data collection to take place in July and will close in August.
Final report – fall of 2016.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important survey.

Beth Potter
President & CEO

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