7th Annual Sources of Knowledge Forum in Tobermory, May 8 to 10, 2015

The Door Peninsula in Wisconsin is the same size and shape as the Bruce Peninsula.  Surrounded on three sides by Lake Michigan, The Door enjoys the most western part of the escarpment or as they call it “The Ledge”!  In fact we are twins in many ways. Economically successful “The Door Peninsula” is anchored by a strong tourist industry.

This year's Sources of Knowledge Forum (SOK) features tourism and economic development speakers highlighting the wonders of the Door Peninsula.  Below are a few of the events and activities:
  • Eric Fowle; Executive Director of East and Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission will lead a group of entrepreneurs speaking about what has been successful for them
  • Saturday is a full day of information sessions and learning;
    • The Geological History of the Arc
    • Karsts and Caves in Canada and Wisconsin
    • Opportunities and challenges of the Great Lakes
  • Rocks, Minerals and Caves fascinate both young and old ~ What do you think about establishing a geological learning centre on the Bruce Peninsula?
  • The evening keynote speaker Joanne Kluessendorf; Director and Curator of the Weis Earth Science Museum will share information about their Geological Museum in Green Bay Wisconsin. Her presentation is titled “Stories From Stone: Geotourism and the Niagara Escarpment”
  • Sunday morning, take part in a round table meeting to explore and share tourism ideas with the Wisconsin Group
  • Enjoy “The Door to the Bruce – Culinary Delights Market” – samples and sales from specialty food vendors from the two Peninsulas

For further information and registration, visit www.sourcesofknowledge.ca or call 519-596-8003.  Limited seating.
Information Source:  Explore the Bruce Inside Scoop, April 24, 2015

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