Lake Huron's Low Water Levels May Delay Chi-Cheemaun Sailing Schedule

Due to low water levels in Lake Huron, the 2013 sailing season of the MS Chi‐Cheemaun, expected to begin May 3, 2013, may be delayed. Confirmation of this anticipated delay will be made on Monday, April 29, 2013. Online updates will be available each Monday for sailing information until this service interruption is resolved.

On May 2, 2013, the Owen Sound Transportation Company (OSTC) will proceed with the sold out Annual Spring Repositioning Cruise event. If water levels rise sufficiently to permit safe docking, passengers will disembark in Tobermory and travel back to Owen Sound by bus, as advertised. If water levels preclude safe docking, the cruise will be a round‐trip shoreline excursion, returning passengers to Owen Sound.

Passenger and crew safety is the primary priority for OSTC operations. Because water levels are lower than the fender units on the wharves can accommodate, the ferry cannot safely dock at the terminals used by the OSTC in South Baymouth on Manitoulin Island and Tobermory on the Bruce Peninsula.

Water levels in the Great Lakes are dependent on a variety of factors, including annual precipitation, surface runoff, drainage from the Lakes into rivers, and evaporation. The OSTC regularly monitors water levels for safe operating conditions.

Based on a changing water level that has reached an unprecedented low, new fenders need to be installed to protect the vessel, along with the passengers and crew, when it docks.

The OSTC is committed to a superior level of customer service and will provide weekly public notification updates regarding the sailing schedule for the MS Chi‐Cheemaun. Travellers looking for more information may call the toll free customer service line at (800) 265‐3163, email or follow @ontarioferries on Twitter.

The OSTC looks forward to resuming the service when it is determined that the vessel can dock safely. 

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Harold Devries
Will the Chicheemansail by May the 13th 2013
Thank you,
4/25/2013 11:02:54 AM
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