2025/26 Partnership Program

Thank you for your interest in the 2025/26 programs! RTO7 program applications are now closed. 

RTO7’s offer of Programs for 2025/26 is contingent upon the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming’s approval of RTO7’s 2025/26 Business Plan. 

The 2025/26 RTO7 Partnership Program supports tourism stakeholders in BruceGreySimcoe by offering matched funding for projects that align with RTO7’s strategic plan. This is not a grant but a co-managed initiative designed to maximize regional resources and impact. 

Program Streams include:

  • Video/Image Development: Create compelling visual content for marketing.
  • Storytelling: Using engaging narratives to tell your unique story through qualified writers or influencers. 
  • Digital Advertising: Run targeted ad campaigns with professional agency management.
  • Social Media Advertising: Agency supported social media campaigns on Meta platforms. 
  • Tourism Wayfinding Signage: Plan and install large-scale signage to improve navigation with RTO7 signage standards.
  • Experience Development: Funds large-scale tourism projects, including product/experience development, research, and workforce initiatives to enhance regional tourism offerings.
  • French Translation Services: Translate marketing materials of interest to French-speaking audiences. 
  • Trade Show Support: Partial reimbursement of booth costs at relevant trade shows.

Key Benefits of the Program

  • Cost-Effective Collaboration: Leverage matching funds to maximize your marketing and development budgets, helping you achieve more impact while sharing costs with RTO7. 
  • Expert Support & Resources: Work with established industry professionals to enhance your projects with expert guidance, support and strategic alignment.
  • Flexible Funding Streams: The program offers multiple streams to support a range of initiatives, including marketing, large-scale signage projects, workforce support, and product/experience development.

Who Can Apply?

The program is open to established tourism operators, DMOs, tourism organizations, relevant associations/interest groups, municipalities, and tourism event organizers that meet the following criteria:

  • Your operations must be in Bruce, Grey, or Simcoe counties.
  • You must be legally registered in Ontario, hold valid permits, and have no unresolved legal issues.
  • Capable of demonstrating financial and other capacity to execute the project in partnership.

Additional considerations are outlined in the Partnership Program Guidelines. For full program details, minimum investments, and requirements, please review the guidelines in full BEFORE starting your application. 

Application Process

  1. Please contact Alex Hogan (ahogan@rto7.ca) before submitting to ensure the eligibility of your proposed idea.
  2. Applications will be open from January 31, 2025, until February 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A second, potentially limited intake will be held later in the year only if funds are not fully allocated.
  3. Before applying, read the entire application, program guidelines, and review RTO7's sustainable tourism goals.
  4. Complete and submit your application (by February 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST)
  5. If your project is approved (notifications will be sent out by March 31, 2025), a Collaboration Agreement outlining timelines, performance measurement, etc., will be signed by you and RTO7.

Why Take Your Time?

The application process is competitive, and funds are limited. Thoughtfully planning your project ensures it aligns with RTO7’s strategic priorities and enhances your chances of approval. We will not be going back to applicants to request revisions and/or clarifications in the application stage. 

Additional Information

  • All projects must be completed by March 31, 2026.
  • RTO7 reserves the right to limit the number of programs/funds that one stakeholder may receive per year. 
  • When completing your application, be sure to include HST in your figures.

Ready to start your Application? 

Once you have completed the above steps, including reviewing the Partnership Program Guidelines, you are ready to complete your application. 

Applications close on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST

If application – or links within application - do not appear onscreen upon clicking, please check your Downloads folder.

Application Links:


For further assistance, contact Alex Hogan at ahogan@rto7.ca

Frequently Asked Questions

2024/25 partnerships:

Township of Oro-Medonte
Municipality of Arran-Elderslie
Township of Severn 
Digital Advertising
Friday Harbour
Town of Collingwood
Bruce County
Tourism Simcoe County
Barrie Hill Farms
Grey County (Gather)
Social Media Advertising
Rounds Ranch
Collingwood Music Festival
Folmer's Gardens
ReLive Retreat
Collingwood Pride
Collingwood Downtown BIA
Art on Stone
Carnival North
Tourism Simcoe County
Craigleith Manor
Orillia & Lake Country
Sauble Eats & Ascent Aerial
ReLive Retreat
Friday Harbour
Carnival North
Town of Collingwood
Bruce County
Video Development
Nicholyn Farms
Vetta Spa
Township of Ramara
Cobble Beach Concours d'Elegance
Georgian Bay Hotel
Collingwood Downtown BIA
Township of Oro-Medonte
Goergian Bay Spirit Co. 
Image Development

The Seed Lodge
Georgian Bay Spirit Co.
Fern Resort
Georgian Bay Hotel
Vetta Spa
Township of Ramara
Downtown Collingwood BIA
City of Orillia
Township of Oro-Medonte

Experience Development
Talk is Free Theatre Strategy
Simcoe County Craft Beverage Strategy
Lavender Fox
Trade Show Booth Reimbursement

Hardwood Ski & Bike
Fermanagh Farms
Flesherton Disrict Farmer's Market
Bowering Lodge

23/24 partnerships:


Township of Oro-Medonte 

Digital Advertising

Barrie Hill Farms
Blue Mountain Village Association
Bruce County
Tourism Simcoe County
Town of Wasaga Beach

Social Media Advertising

Ascent Aerial
Art On Stone
Bruce County
Cobble Beach
Collingwood Downtown BIA
Craigleith Manor
Fermanagh Farms
Folmer’s Gardens
Gussapolooza Music Festival
Images Studio Tour
Lighthouse Blues Festival
Living Water Resorts
Midland Food Tours
Orillia & Lake Country
Pride Collingwood
Sauble Eats
Shipyard Kitchen Party
Tourism Simcoe County


Georgian Trail E Bikes
South Georgian Bay Tourism

Video Development

Axed Throwing
Brookside Music
Bruce County
Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance
Collingwood Downtown BIA
Craigleith Manor
Fermanagh Farms
iwa Spa
Municipal Accommodation Tax Association of South Bruce Peninsula
Orillia & Lake Country
Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital
Scandinave Spa
Scottish Festival & Highland Games
Shaka Wasaga
South Georgian Bay Tourism
Tourism Simcoe County
Township of Clearview
Township of Oro-Medonte
Township of Ramara
Wiarton BIA

Image Development

Bruce County
Bruce County Museum
Collingwood Downtown BIA
Fermanagh Farms
Municipal Accommodation Tax Association of South Bruce Peninsula
Orillia & Lake Country
Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital
Quayle’s Brewery
Scandinave Spa
Scottish Festival & Highland Games
Township of Oro-Medonte
Township of Ramara
Treetop Trekking Horseshoe
Tyrolean Village

Experience Development

Bowering Lodge
Blue Mountain Village Association 
Bruce County/Bruce Peninsula National Park
Golf BruceGreySimcoe
Municipal Accommodation Tax Association of South Bruce Peninsula
Snow Valley
Town of Collingwood

Trade Show Booth Reimbursement

Bowering Lodge & Eagle Max Adventures
Fermanagh Farms
Flesherton District Farmers Market
Georgian Trail E Bikes