Experience Development Training Course

Experience Development Training Course

Transforming Guest Experiences That Drive New Experiences:
Experiential Tourism Product Development Training

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED as the course is full. If you'd like to be added to the waiting list, please contact Kim Clarke at the contact information below.

Facilitator & Coach - Celes Davar, Earth Rhythms

You are invited to participate in a two-and-a-half day training course to learn about experiential travel, what it is, why it has value to tourism operators and tourism industry partners. This is an opportunity to participate in experiences, learn from them and be introduced to new tools and templates to help you to create new experiences. Integrating cuisine, the arts, nature and culture, the intensive training course is a “roll up your sleeves” workshop that practices experiential in all aspects of the workshop.

This is not a seminar or a conference. It is “hands-on” training.

Top five reasons to attend this experiential training retreat:
1. The opportunity to participate in three community experiences, which will help you to understand the ingredients needed to craft a successful experience. Canadian and regional examples of experiences, lessons from tourism operators, economic frameworks, presentations and multiple hands-on learning activities will be provided.
2. An introduction to the Experience Planning template and the Tourism Experience Development Process. Learn the steps to crafting experiences, how to use a costing and pricing spreadsheet, and practice creating an experience. Upon completing the course, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to shift current activities to be more experienced based, or to create new experiences.
3. This training program will help change the way you think about what defines an experience and how experiential tourism development can add value to your business and community. You’ll also understand how experiences relate to BruceGreySimcoe’s target consumers by taking part in several “live experiences” during this training.
4. Take an existing product and create a higher yield customer experience for your ideal guests.
5. Be part of a community of experiential travel collaborators trained together, creating a useful support system once training is completed.

When: Monday March 21, 2016 to Wednesday March 23, 2016
Times: Monday March 21, 2016: 1:00pm – 7:30pm
Tuesday March 22, 2016: 8:00am– 9:00pm
Wednesday March 23, 2016: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Sainte-Marie among the Hurons
16164 Hwy 12
Midland, ON
L4R 4K8

Comfort Inn Midland
980 King St.
Midland, ON
L4R 4K3

Note: Attendance at all three days is a requirement.

Cost including course, accommodation, meals and HST: $599.00* To register for the course and accommodation, click here.

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED!! The course is full. If you would like your name to be added to a waiting list, contact Kim Clarke using the contact information below.

*For registrants in the Midland area, there is a course-only payment option: $370.08 plus HST. Please note: ALL participants are expected to attend all components of the course. To register for the course only, click here.

Training Participant Criteria

Participants must be:

1. An operator/tourism partner located in Bruce, Grey or Simcoe Counties or a sector association planning to work with members within the region.
2. Ready to create and implement, or enable others (destination marketing organizations) to implement new experiences (programming) that generate new revenue.
3. Must be able to attend for the full two-and-a-half days.
4. Willing to pay the full course registration fee.
5. Prepared to stay onsite if not from the immediate Midland area.
6. Ready to move to a new level of business development and willing to invest personally to make this happen.
7. Interested in collaboration with other community partners.
8. Willing to commit to a long term initiative with the goal of taking an experience or partnered package initiative to market within 12-18 months (priority 1) or 24-30 months (priority 2).
9. Open to learning how experiential travel adds value.

View and print the invitation
Event location: Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, 1614 Hwy 12, Midland, ON L4R 4K8
Event date: 3/21/2016 1:00 PM - 3/23/2016 4:00 PM

Contact Name: Kim Clarke
Phone: 519-379-2506
Website URL:



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